Understanding the T Visa Process

The T Visa offers protection and legal status in the United States for victims of human trafficking, including those exploited by employers through forced labor. This visa is intended for individuals who have been coerced into working under harsh conditions, often without proper compensation.


To qualify for a T Visa, applicants must show that they are victims of trafficking, currently in the U.S. because of trafficking, and a willingness to cooperate with law enforcement in investigating or prosecuting the traffickers. In labor trafficking cases, employers may use threats, fraud, or even physical restraint to force employees to remain working for them without proper pay.  Applicants also need to demonstrate that returning to their home country would cause them extreme hardship.


US citizen and immigration services form


The process starts with reporting the crime. Our firm handles labor trafficking cases and will work with our client to file a report with the FBI or Department of Labor.  After the report is filed, the T-visa application, including Form I-914 and supporting evidence, which may include records of employment, contracts, a detailed statement, and/or proof of coercion. For our clients, the strongest evidence has been a detailed statement regarding the trafficking.  To prepare the statement, our firm conducts a detailed declaration intake and assists in drafting the declaration.  Once approved, T Visa holders receive legal status for up to four years, with the option to apply for a green card after three years. Family members may also be eligible for T Visa benefits.


If you or someone you know has been forced to work, they may be eligible to apply for immigration benefits including work authorization, legal status, and a green card.  Please contact our office at 703-348-1663.

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Agarwal Law Group

1100 H Street NW,

Suite 1220

Washington DC 20005