Welcome our 2 Newest U.S. Citizens


We are delighted to share that two of our clients have successfully obtained their United States citizenship through the naturalization process! 


a woman with american flag with her hand on her chest


The naturalization process can be cumbersome and involves a lengthy interview with questions regarding American civics and history. Our team is honored to have guided these individuals through every step of this journey, providing support and personalized assistance along the way. Some clients have been with us through the temporary visa and the green card process. Being involved in their naturalization process is a special treat for our team as it is the final step in sometimes lengthy immigration journey.


As we celebrate the approval of their naturalization applications, we also recognize the impact this moment holds for our clients and their families. It symbolizes not only a legal status change but also a sense of belonging, identity, and opportunity.


a family of three


We are committed to championing the rights and aspirations of immigrants, ensuring they receive the support and guidance they need to navigate through the complexities of the immigration process successfully. We are grateful for the opportunity to help all those seeking to build a better future in the United States, regardless of background or circumstance.

10.0Pratibha Kanive Agarwal
top attorney 2022

Agarwal Law Group

1100 H Street NW,

Suite 1220

Washington DC 20005